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The More Serious Biography


I’m in my third year of the BA English (Honours) program at Ryerson University. I chose to study literature with the chief aim of becoming a better writer. Yet, the deeper I venture into this field, the more I realise that I'm still a tenderfoot in literary studies. Far from demoralised, I see each learning opportunity as nourishment for my writerly metamorphosis. My past three years have been grueling but immensely rewarding. The rigorous training I’ve undergone has only intensified my love for the English language. This analytical essay and creative non-fiction piece are two of my proudest achievements thus far.


Through the university’s work-study program, I’ve secured a RA position at the Modern Literature & Culture Research Centre (MLC). Under my supervisor’s tutelage, I conduct research on the life and artistry of Mary Riter Hamilton. Ever since sampling a morsel of literary scholarship, I’ve wanted to continue English studies at the graduate level. Outside of school, I’m the senior editor of Her Campus Ryerson. My contributions are typically opinion and humour pieces. This dual role at the publication lets me flex a journalistic muscle and experiment with my writing.


My appetite for Romantic poetry, the Victorian era, and the Gothic propel my academic and artistic pursuits. I’ve several paramours outside of my union with the written word, including photography, illustration, and blackletter calligraphy. You can easily see how my penchant for all things old and ghoulish manifests in my creative projects. I invite you to browse my Instagram gallery, where I post most of my artwork. If you crave uncensored drivel (usually in the form of refurbished memes or vile insults at the TTC), head over to my Twitter. Here’s my Spotify if you want an accompanying soundtrack as you pore over my woefully threadbare portfolio. 





Proud crusader of the diaeresis-revival movement.
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